[mou] Henslow's Sparrows at Frontenac & Great River Bluffs State Parks

Richard Hoyme RHoyme@msn.com
Sun, 6 Jul 2003 18:12:32 -0500

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This weekend I birded the Southeast with Dan Ahlman and found Henslow's =
Sparrows singing at the usual place in Great River Bluff's State Park =
and then later in the day at Frontenac State Park. They were at the top =
of the hill at Frontenac  near the curvy road sign that was facing back =
down the hill. It was on the north side of the road. I first heard the =
"Tslick" call and then saw it calling from a taller weed. It was only =
about 20 feet off the road. I asked the park Ranger and he said that =
that they have had them in the park before but no one had reported them =
in this field before.

Other good birds

Cabbage Rock - Louisiana Waterthrush
Beaver Creek Valley SP. - Acadian Flycatcher
La Crescent - Prothonatary Warbler
Frontenac - 8 species of Sparrows
Sand Dunes near Weaver - Lark Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow

And many of the "Usual Suspects"

Rick Hoyme

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<DIV>This weekend I birded the Southeast with Dan Ahlman and found =
Sparrows singing at the usual place in Great River Bluff's State Park =
and then=20
later in the day at Frontenac State Park. They were at the top of the =
hill at=20
Frontenac&nbsp; near the curvy road sign that was facing back down the =
hill. It=20
was on the north side of the road. I first heard the "Tslick" call and =
then saw=20
it calling from a taller weed. It was only about&nbsp;20 feet off the=20
road.&nbsp;I asked the park Ranger and he said that that they have had =
them in=20
the park before but no one had reported them in this field before.</DIV>
<DIV>Other good birds</DIV>
<DIV>Cabbage Rock - Louisiana Waterthrush</DIV>
<DIV>Beaver Creek Valley SP. -&nbsp;Acadian Flycatcher</DIV>
<DIV>La Crescent - Prothonatary Warbler</DIV>
<DIV>Frontenac - 8 species of Sparrows</DIV>
<DIV>Sand Dunes near Weaver - Lark Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow</DIV>
<DIV>And many of the "Usual Suspects"</DIV>
<DIV>Rick Hoyme</DIV></BODY></HTML>
