Christine Olson christine37o@yahoo.com
Thu, 10 Jul 2003 13:57:02 -0700 (PDT)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

This is interesting.
I got the e-mail memo about the rally to save Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley, and because I can't attend (Fridley's a little far...), I logged onto their web site to see what I could do.  Listed were the e-mail addresses of the mayor and councilpersons, so I jotted them a note.  Below is the only response I got so far, and following it is my original message.  I'm afraid supporters of Springbrook are up against a brick wall here...
Christine Olson - Chisholm

"Barnette, Robert" <BarnetteR@ci.fridley.mn.us> wrote:
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:04:50 -0500
From: "Barnette, Robert" 
To: "Christine Olson" 

Christine...The State legislature has cut Local Government Aid (LGA) to cities, schools and counties. I am sure Gov Pawlenty is doing exactly what he felt that those who voted for him want him to do...cut and hold down taxes and make schools and cities more accountable. That is exactly what we in Fridley must do. This year we lose $750,000.00 in State aids and next year we lose over one million dollars. As a responsible elected official, I refuse to cut essential services,i.e. police, fire, streets, sewer and water which leaves us with Recreation costs. The Springbrook Nature Center costs the Fridley taxpayers over $300,000.00 each year...where did you read that the number of golfers in Minnesota is dwindling??The municipal and County courses in the 7 county metro area ALL are making money. Because we have cut the funding for staffing and closed the interpretative building does not mean the nature center is closed. Like all of our other passive parks, people can still use the
 walk the paths, watch the birds, whatever. 80% of the users of the center are not Fridley residents, perhaps the Chisholm city council could appropriate some dollars to help us keep it staffed?????Bob Barnette, Councilman at Large

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Olson [mailto:christine37o@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:30 AM
To: Lund, Scott
Cc: Barnette, Robert; Billings, Steve; Wolfe, Richard; Bolkcom, Ann

To the Mayor:

As a lover of birds, I'm concerned about the loss of habitat for them. As an Elementary Education student at Bemidji State University, I am concerned about the dwindling number of "outdoor classrooms" where we can teach our children about the earth.

The world does not need more golf courses; the number of people who utilize them is steadily declining. The world does need to preserve our remaining natural habitats; once they're gone, they're gone forever.

Christine Marie Olson
Chisholm, MN



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<DIV>This is interesting.</DIV>
<DIV>I got the e-mail memo about the rally to save Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley, and because I can't attend (Fridley's a little far...), I logged onto their web site to see what I could do.&nbsp; Listed were the e-mail addresses of the mayor and councilpersons, so I jotted them a note.&nbsp; Below is the only response I got so far, and following&nbsp;it is my original message.&nbsp; I'm afraid supporters of Springbrook are up against a brick wall here...</DIV>
<DIV>Christine Olson - Chisholm<BR><BR><B><I>"Barnette, Robert" &lt;BarnetteR@ci.fridley.mn.us&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; WIDTH: 100%">Subject: RE: SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER<BR>Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:04:50 -0500<BR>From: "Barnette, Robert" <BARNETTER@CI.FRIDLEY.MN.US><BR>To: "Christine Olson" <CHRISTINE37O@YAHOO.COM><BR><BR>Christine...The State legislature has cut Local Government Aid (LGA) to cities, schools and counties. I am sure Gov Pawlenty is doing exactly what he felt that those who voted for him want him to do...cut and hold down taxes and make schools and cities more accountable. That is exactly what we in Fridley must do. This year we lose $750,000.00 in State aids and next year we lose over one million dollars. As a responsible elected official, I refuse to cut essential services,i.e. police, fire, streets, sewer and water which leaves us with Recreation costs. The Springbrook Nature Center costs the Fridley taxpayers over $300,000.00 each year...where did you read that the number of golfers in
 Minnesota is dwindling??The municipal and County courses in the 7 county metro area ALL are making money. Because we have cut the funding for staffing and closed the interpretative building does not mean the nature center is closed. Like all of our other passive parks, people can still use the center, walk the paths, watch the birds, whatever. 80% of the users of the center are not Fridley residents, perhaps the Chisholm city council could appropriate some dollars to help us keep it staffed?????Bob Barnette, Councilman at Large<BR><BR>-----Original Message-----<BR>From: Christine Olson [mailto:christine37o@yahoo.com]<BR>Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:30 AM<BR>To: Lund, Scott<BR>Cc: Barnette, Robert; Billings, Steve; Wolfe, Richard; Bolkcom, Ann<BR>Subject: SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER<BR><BR><BR>To the Mayor:<BR><BR>As a lover of birds, I'm concerned about the loss of habitat for them. As an Elementary Education student at Bemidji State University, I am concerned about the dw
 number of "outdoor classrooms" where we can teach our children about the earth.<BR><BR>The world does not need more golf courses; the number of people who utilize them is steadily declining. The world does need to preserve our remaining natural habitats; once they're gone, they're gone forever.<BR><BR>Christine Marie Olson<BR>Chisholm, MN<BR><BR><BR><HTTP: 40.gif tsmileys2 mesg i us.yimg.com us.i1.yimg.com>Peace<BR><BR><BR><BR>_____ <BR><BR>Do you Yahoo!?<BR>SBC <HTTP: evt="1207/*http://promo.yahoo.com/sbc/" rd.yahoo.com *http: pa.yahoo.com>Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR><DIV>
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