[mou] Salt Lake shorebirds

Chet Meyers chetmeyers@visi.com
Fri, 18 Jul 2003 20:02:06 -0500

Today Keith Olstad and I birded Lac Qui Parle and Big Stone counties.  Big  
Stone Refuge has so much water in it there were very few shorebirds to be 
seen.  Our best stop was at Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle county where we saw 
ten (10) shorebird species, including: killdeer, lesser yellow legs (many), 
greater yellow legs (one), least sandpiper (many), semi-palmated sandpiper 
(one), short billed dowitcher, pectoral sandpiper (one with a nice dark 
'bib'), solitary sandpiper, spotted sandpiper, and Wilson's phalarope.  Many 
formerly flooded fields were dry, but most lakes were brim-full.  Not the 
best conditions for shorebirds habitat. 

Chet Meyers
Hennepin County