[mou] Bewick's Wren

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Sun, 20 Jul 2003 16:09:32 -0500

Longtime MOU member Helen Tucker of Millville, Wabasha County found a 
Bewick's Wren today near her home. Birders are welcome to visit, but 
please be respectful of the residential situation.

 From U.S. Highway 52 and state highway 60, go east on 60 and after 
crossing U.S. Highway 63 look for mile marker 199. Turn south on 
County Road 2 into Millville and drive to the far end of Main Street. 
Turn left just past the two brick houses, then turn north to the 100 
block of Bench Street.

Anthony Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com