[mou] Shorebird Workshop Aug 1 - 3

Doug Buri dougburi@tnics.com
Sat, 26 Jul 2003 13:40:43 -0500

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At last count there were a few spaces left for the Shorebird Workshop to =
be held in Milbank SD on Friday through Sunday; August 1 to 3. If you =
have made reservations and find that you can't come, please cancel so we =
can offer the space to someone else. You must reserve by calling the Big =
Stone NWR at: 1-320-273-2191 or e-mail: carole_gerber@fws.gov. More =
information can be found at: www.milbanksd.com=20

I was out this morning (Saturday) planning routes for the field trips. =
For a location to be included, I really hope to find more than 100 =
shorebirds, less than 100 feet away --- all without getting out of my =
pickup. Of course conditions can change by next weekend but I found 6 or =
7 locations in a couple of hours that fit the criteria. One spot had =
over 500 birds, some as close as 50 feet. (I did have to get out of the =
truck to count 500 plus birds though!)

Species included:=20

Semipalmated, Least, Baird's, both Yellow-legs, SB Dowitcher, Avocet, =
Wilson's Phalarope, Upland, we're overrun with Pectorals, Semipalmated =
Plover, Solitary,  & Spotted. =20

Let's hope it gets even better. See you next week.

Doug Buri
Milbank, South Dakota

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><STRONG>At last count there were a few spaces left&nbsp;for the =
Workshop to be held in Milbank SD on Friday through Sunday; August 1 to =
3. If=20
you have made reservations and find that you can't come, please cancel =
so we can=20
offer the space to someone else. You must reserve by calling the Big =
Stone NWR=20
at: 1-320-273-2191 or e-mail: <A=20
href=3D"mailto:carole_gerber@fws.gov">carole_gerber@fws.gov</A>. More =
can be found at: <A=20
<DIV><STRONG>I was out this morning (Saturday) planning routes for the =
trips. For a location to be included, I really hope to find more than =
shorebirds, less than 100 feet&nbsp;away ---&nbsp;all without getting =
out of=20
my&nbsp;pickup.&nbsp;Of course conditions can change by next weekend but =
I found=20
6 or 7 locations in a couple of hours&nbsp;that fit the criteria. One =
spot had=20
over 500 birds, some as close as 50 feet. (I did have to get out of the =
truck to=20
count 500 plus birds though!)</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Species included:&nbsp;</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Semipalmated, Least, Baird's, both Yellow-legs, SB =
Avocet, Wilson's Phalarope, Upland, we're overrun with Pectorals, =
Plover, Solitary,&nbsp; &amp; Spotted.&nbsp;</STRONG>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Let's hope it gets even better. See you next =
<DIV><STRONG>Milbank, South Dakota</STRONG></DIV></BODY></HTML>
