[mou] common moorhen in Becker County

Robert.Oconnor@ndsu.nodak.edu Robert.Oconnor@ndsu.nodak.edu
Sat, 31 May 2003 18:35:46 -0500 (CDT)


I drove to Hamden Slough today (5/31) to try to relocate the ibis someone
reported on the 28th, and although I failed to find that bird, I did get
an unexpected look at a Common Moorhen.  If anyone would like to look for
the bird, the directions are as follows:  come north from Audubon on Route
13 to the Hamden Slough Headquarters sign, turn east and go past the
headquarters building to the intersection just beyond the lake, turn left,
and drive 0.7 miles to a spot with a lake to the left and a small pond to
the right.  The moorhen was in the small pond, spending part of its time
in the open and part hidden in the thin strip of cattails at the pond

Bob O'Connor