[mou] Red-necked Phalarope Winona County

Carl Greiner cgreiner@millcomm.com
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 21:52:56 -0500

	Sunday night at the Lewiston Sewage Ponds Gary Krogman, Scott Mehus, and I
were lucky enough to observe a pair of Red-necked Phalarope. Gary took some
excellant pictures including
http://www.photocountry.com/users/7799/Redneckedphalarope.jpg . The link
sometimes doesn't work at least from my machine, keep trying. In addition,
we saw 4 Wilson's Phalarope, 5 Black Tern, about 40 Canada Geese, Gadwall,
Ruddy Duck, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, approx. 10 Dunlin, a Spotted
Sandpiper, a Greater Yellowlegs, Mallards on nest with young, Killdeer,
Blue-winged Teal, N. Shoveler, and a Coot.

Carl Greiner