[mou] Red-throated Loon - Murray County

jim mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sat, 07 Jun 2003 22:34:45 +0000

Today (June 7) at 8:45am, my brother, Donn, and I saw a basic plumage
Red-throated Loon fly low (150 ft) over us in Sec 32 of Moulton
Township, Murray County. We were standing in a farm yard ast the time,
surrounded by agricultural crops! We noted the following among other
characteristics:  slim profile, head held low, dainty, pencil-point bill
that appeared slightly upturned, all white below, white completely
surrounded eye making eye stand out, no gray on side of neck and head .
The bird was flying NW in line with Split Rock State Park so we checked
it out soon thereafter. We did NOT relocate the bird there and we did
not have time to check the Pipestone sewage ponds.

Jim Mattsson