[mou] Webcam in Aitkin county

Matt Schaust matt@www.northernexposuregetaway.com
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:43:19 -0400

Hi all~
I want to extend an invitation to you, to see my webcam.  My place is surrounded by the Solona 
State Forest in Aitkin county and I'm excited to share my backyard feeder with the bird lovers of 
the world.  An extra fun thing is, usually around 10 or 11 at nite (I have a spot light on) there is 
a Momma bear and her two cubs that have been frequenting my feeder.  I take down the 
hanging feeders, so you don't have to watch that distruction, but I've been putting out plenty of 
cracked corn for them.  Please stop by and leave a note about what you see on my guestbook. 
Suggestions are always welcome, too.   I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy 
the show.

