[mou] Dickcissels in Cass County/Pine River BBS

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 12:46:43 -0500

Today I conducted my BBS in Pine River in central Cass County. I had 75 
species, including 10 warblers, which included Mourning, Golden-winged, and 
several Nashvilles.
To start off I had 4 LeConte's and 1 Field Sparrow in the airport fields 
just east of Pine River on 84.
And about 1/2 mile west of 64 and 2 there was a Wood Thrush and an Eastern 
But the biggest surprise of the day came at one of my last stops. It's a 
mile east then a mile north of the Wadena county line on 20. There at the 
corner is a cow pasture to the north and a nice meadow type habitat to the 
south. And in here were 2 Dickcissels singing! I was pretty excited because 
I've never seen them north of Long Prairie. Also in the meadow were three 
Sandhill Cranes.
On the way home I found 2 Trumpeter Swans in Wadena County on Sand Lake 
south of Oylen.

Good Birding
Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie,Todd County, MN

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