[mou] Renville County - 3/10/03 - Eurasian Collared Dove

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 20:18:40 EST

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I am resending this message, do to the fact that I have not received a copy=20
from this list serve yet and want to make sure I have the correct address. =20
So pardon me if you receive this message in duplicate!!  Craig =20


Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
Renville County Birding Day
Field Trip Report

5 Participants
30 Species observed

While leading a field trip for MRVAC, our group refound one of the Eurasian=20
Collared Doves. =A0 Which have been reported in the town of Renville off and=
for about a year now. =A0 The Bird was first observed by Fr. Tom, sitting in=
tree just north of the railroad tracks near the grain elevator. =A0 The bird=
was also observed dropping down and apparently feeding on the tracks. =A0 Bu=
we were unable to confirm this from our location. =A0 To reach this location=
from Hyw 212 in the town of Renville, go North on Main Street N, to Railroad=
Street and turn Right. =A0 The bird was observed one block East of this=20
intersection and North of the tracks. =A0 It may also be possible to walk al=
the railroad tracks to get a better view of this location. =A0 Other notes o=
interest were the large numbers of Horned Larks. =A0 We counted over 600 in=20
Renville County alone, with only half our time spent in habitat for Horned=20
Larks. =A0 There were also 100s of Lapland Longspurs and a few Snow Buntings=
along the Sibley and Renville County line road. =A0 We also observed many=20
Ring-necked Pheasants and Wild Turkeys. =A0 With the snow pushing the Pheasa=
out near the roads, it would be a great time to head SW in search of=20
Pheasants and Partridge for your county lists. =A0 Maybe even the elusive=20
Bobwhite's in Houston County. =A0 Here is a partial list of the species foun=
by the group:

All the following species were observed in Renville County.=20

@ Bald Eagle - along CR 15
@ Rough-legged Hawk - both light and dark phase birds were observed
@ Wild Turkey - along CR 15
@ Eurasian Collared Dove - Town of Renville
@ Red-bellied Woodpecker
@ Northern Shrike - One bird was observed on the S side of Hyw 19 just east=20
of Morton.
@ Horned Lark -=A0 688 birds observed
@ Lapland Longspur
@ Snow Bunting - observed in 4 townships
@ Dark-eyed Junco - numerous flocks observed along CR 15

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">I am resending this message, do to the fact that I hav=
e not received a copy from this list serve yet and want to make sure I have=20=
the correct address.&nbsp; So pardon me if you receive this message in dupli=
cate!!&nbsp; Craig&nbsp; <BR>
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter<BR>
Renville County Birding Day<BR>
Field Trip Report<BR>
5 Participants<BR>
30 Species observed<BR>
While leading a field trip for MRVAC, our group refound one of the Eurasian=20=
Collared Doves. =A0 Which have been reported in the town of Renville off and=
 on for about a year now. =A0 The Bird was first observed by Fr. Tom, sittin=
g in a tree just north of the railroad tracks near the grain elevator. =A0 T=
he bird was also observed dropping down and apparently feeding on the tracks=
. =A0 But we were unable to confirm this from our location. =A0 To reach thi=
s location from Hyw 212 in the town of Renville, go North on Main Street N,=20=
to Railroad Street and turn Right. =A0 The bird was observed one block East=20=
of this intersection and North of the tracks. =A0 It may also be possible to=
 walk along the railroad tracks to get a better view of this location. =A0 O=
ther notes of interest were the large numbers of Horned Larks. =A0 We counte=
d over 600 in Renville County alone, with only half our time spent in habita=
t for Horned Larks. =A0 There were also 100s of Lapland Longspurs and a few=20=
Snow Buntings along the Sibley and Renville County line road. =A0 We also ob=
served many Ring-necked Pheasants and Wild Turkeys. =A0 With the snow pushin=
g the Pheasants out near the roads, it would be a great time to head SW in s=
earch of Pheasants and Partridge for your county lists. =A0 Maybe even the e=
lusive Bobwhite's in Houston County. =A0 Here is a partial list of the speci=
es found by the group:<BR>
All the following species were observed in Renville County. <BR>
@ Bald Eagle - along CR 15<BR>
@ Rough-legged Hawk - both light and dark phase birds were observed<BR>
@ Wild Turkey - along CR 15<BR>
@ Eurasian Collared Dove - Town of Renville<BR>
@ Red-bellied Woodpecker<BR>
@ Northern Shrike - One bird was observed on the S side of Hyw 19 just east=20=
of Morton.<BR>
@ Horned Lark -=A0 688 birds observed<BR>
@ Lapland Longspur<BR>
@ Snow Bunting - observed in 4 townships<BR>
@ Dark-eyed Junco - numerous flocks observed along CR 15<BR>