[mou] Killdeer, bluebird, Red-shouldered Hawks Hennepin co

C. Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 08:59:48 -0800 (PST)

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Having recovered somewhat from my latest bug, I took a short spin past the airport to the MN Valley refuge visitor center in Bloomington from 9:00-10:00 AM today, Sat. March 15.  Gorgeous weather, and a bit of spring bird activity.  I flushed one Killdeer from the lawn as I rode past the Sun Country hangars at 24th Ave and Airport Lane.  Birds were everywhere at the visitor center--Pileated woodpeckers calling in the valley, drumming Downies, calling White-breasted Nuthatches, some tentative Robin and junco songs, and one Eastern Bluebird which came in, called, and flew off again.  A couple Mourning Doves flew over.  At least two Red-winged Blackbirds sang from the marshes below.  And just when I was leaving, two Red-shouldered Hawks soared over the visitor center, showing their black-and-white banded flight feathers to perfection in the sunlight.  

No luck today with the White-throated Sparrow which has been hanging around, nor with the imm. Sharp-shinned Hawk I saw last weekend.  With this weather, though, I can't feel too disappointed.  


Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN

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<P>Having recovered somewhat from my latest bug, I took a short spin past the airport to the MN Valley refuge visitor center in Bloomington from 9:00-10:00 AM today, Sat. March 15.&nbsp; Gorgeous weather, and a&nbsp;bit of spring bird activity.&nbsp; I flushed one Killdeer from the lawn as I rode past the Sun Country hangars at 24th Ave and Airport Lane.&nbsp; Birds were everywhere at the visitor center--Pileated woodpeckers calling in the valley, drumming Downies, calling White-breasted Nuthatches, some tentative Robin and junco songs, and one Eastern Bluebird which came in, called, and flew off again.&nbsp; A couple Mourning Doves flew over.&nbsp; At least two&nbsp;Red-winged Blackbirds sang from the marshes below.&nbsp; And just when I was leaving, two Red-shouldered Hawks soared over the visitor center, showing their black-and-white&nbsp;banded flight feathers to perfection in the sunlight.&nbsp; </P>
<P>No luck today with the White-throated Sparrow which has been hanging around, nor with the imm. Sharp-shinned Hawk I saw last weekend.&nbsp; With this weather, though, I can't feel too disappointed.&nbsp; </P>
<P>Chris</P><BR><BR>Chris Mansfield<br>Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN<br>bikebirder75@yahoo.com<p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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