[mou] Spring at Frontenac

Kelly Larson Kelly <larson@redwing.net>
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 17:43:35 -0600

I never made it Coville Park for ducks.  Instead I headed to Frontenac
State Park and made the rounds of a Bluebird trail I monitored last
summer. It turned out to be a very productive walk. Many Song Sparrows
and Juncos, and a number of other sparrows that would not show
themselves were singing. After hearing several Eastern Bluebirds I
finally spotted a pair near one of the nest boxes. I spotted another
male further down the trail. There were Killdeer passing through the
area calling often though not sighted. A flock of 15 Wild Turkey
occupied a portion of the Buffalo pasture that can be seen from
Frontenac Pond. I watched them for some time, 4 toms did their best to
impress the ladies. Despite their best efforts, full tail fans, colorful
head regalia and strutting, the jennies seem more impressed with the
buffalo "pies" exposed by the thaw! Other notable birds seen along the
Frontenac trails were 3 Northern Flicker, a flock of 20 swans (to far
away to ID), and 2 pair of Bald Eagles soaring circles around each
other. I worked my way over to a ridge over looking Wells Creek hoping
to sneak up on the waterfowl I knew would be there. They had to many
look-outs! I spooked about 150 Mallard. In the frenzy that followed I
did pick out 6 pair of Wood Duck. Bird of the day, a lone Eastern Phoebe
seen near Wells Creek. The bird was making short flights from a hunting
perch, occasionally pumping it's tail as it waited. I was buzzed by one
HUGE fly, saw many gnats, one Checkerspot/Crescentspot and one Question
Mark butterfly, and one woolybear crossed my path. An excellent day to
be anywhere but inside!

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