[mou] Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Wood Lake, Hennepin Co.

C. Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:58:46 -0800 (PST)

I wonder if Conny and I overlapped at Wood Lake
today--I walked the west and south perimeter trail
during lunch hour, and missed Fox Sparrow, but got to
hear some tentative White-throated Sparrow songs.  I
saw a (different?) Great Blue Heron fly in at about
12:40 PM.  

But my bird of the day was a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, by
far the earliest I've had one, along the southernmost
chain-link fence trail between Bryant and Dupont at
noon.  There were many juncos flitting about, and I
was checking out every motion--and this one was
something different.  It was feeding very low off the
ground (I saw a few gnat-type insects, ladybugs, and
flies), flicking its wings, and staying put long
enough for me to see its un-striped face with the
white eye ring and scarlet crown.  It didn't stay
long--a couple of the sparring juncos flushed it up
and it flew southwest towards the houses.  I lost
sight of it, though I tried for another half an hour.


Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN

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