[mou] West Skyline Hawk Count, Duluth, MN Summary 1-20 March, 2003

CarmanDave@aol.com CarmanDave@aol.com
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 23:47:57 EST

The seventh season of the West Skyline Hawk Count has gotten off to a slow 
start reflecting the much below average temperatures this late winter in 
Duluth.  Yesterday's flight of 36 raptors, including 29 Bald Eagles and 4 
adult Golden Eagles is our best flight so far.

For the period 1-20 March, the summary is as follows:
Bald Eagle: 130
N. Harrier: 2
N. Goshawk: 3
Rough-legged Hawk: 6
Golden Eagle: 9
Total: 150

Daily updates are recorded at hawkcount.org click on Hawk Ridge.
--Dave Carman