[mou] White-fronted Geese

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 20:46:15 -0600

No doubt there was a major movement of white-fronts today in western
Minnesota.  Consider the following

Grant County-3 hours, 7 flocks, 238 birds
Traverse county-in 2 hours, 3 flocks, 225 birds
Swift County-slow here, 1 white fronted in a Snow Goose flock
Big Stone County-2 hours, 2 flocks, 500 birds
Chippewa County-1 hour, 4 flocks, 441 birds

Plus in Traverse County had 1 flock of 5000 Snow Geese that circled and
landed to allow us to count them.  Had a few other Snow Geese in all
counties.  Canada Geese were impossible to count and probably some of the
canadas were actually white-fronts too far away for us to be sure.

In Herman we found 3 Eurasian Collared-Doves.  Not great looks were obtained
on two of the birds but we believe that all three are adult looking birds.
Note previous directions from the Thimgans.  These birds were kitty corner
from the church to the northeast before the Sharp-shinned interupted things

Three early White Pelicans at Las Qui Parle Lake, flying north with Canada

Dennis and Barbara Martin