[mou] Blue Lake Treatment Plant

Ned Winters nwinters@isd.net
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 21:52:14 -0600

With world events being what they are right now, and our country being again
on a "Orange Alert", Blue Lake Treatment Plant is still open to birders on
the weekends. The word that I have gotten is, they want to do what they have
to, to allow birders into the plant. If we do go to a "Red Alert", I don't
know what will happen. That decision is still pending.

I personally stop in at least once most every weekend just to check up on
things. In talking with the guards, I know how many people have birded the
plant on which days. Birder traffic into the plant this winter has been, I
think, on the slow side, although I have nothing to compare that to. Was it
just the goofy mild winter we had or the increased security, I don't know.

For two years now, I have been the one voice representing all birders in
meeting with Blue Lake staff to allow us continued access into the plant. In
these days of uncertainty, I would like the staff at Blue Lake to know how
much we appreciate having access into their facility. It is time for every
birder to speak for themself. If you have never been to the plant but would
like to some day, if you have birded there in the past or were there this
winter, jot a brief note or email of your appreciation and send it to me. I
will print all emails, and deliver these to the staff so they know very well
how much their time and effort mean to us birders.

Email me at:

Snail mail me at:
Blue Lake
6601 Auto Club Road
Bloomington, MN 55438

Ned Winters
Bloomington, Hennepin Co.