[mou] Greater White-fronted Geese/Ross's Goose - Redwood County 3/25/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 15:49:17 EST

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Spent the day on Tuesday, birding SW Minnesota with Conny Brunell.  We 
observed Greater-white fronted Geese in 7 locations in Renville and Lyon 
County.  Most open areas were full of ducks and had at least a few Greater 
White-fronted Geese in the mix of waterfowl.  We also located a single Ross's 
Goose on Lake Francis in Redwood County the lake is located 2 miles south of 
Hyw 19 on CR 5.

Other wise we encountered the expected ducks and sparrows for this time of 
the year.  We were very pleased in the number of singing Western Meadowlarks. 
 With very large numbers present in Cottonwood County.

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">3/25/03<BR>
Spent the day on Tuesday, birding SW Minnesota with Conny Brunell.&nbsp; We=20=
observed Greater-white fronted Geese in 7 locations in Renville and Lyon Cou=
nty.&nbsp; Most open areas were full of ducks and had at least a few Greater=
 White-fronted Geese in the mix of waterfowl.&nbsp; We also located a single=
 Ross's Goose on Lake Francis in Redwood County the lake is located 2 miles=20=
south of Hyw 19 on CR 5.<BR>
Other wise we encountered the expected ducks and sparrows for this time of t=
he year.&nbsp; We were very pleased in the number of singing Western Meadowl=
arks.&nbsp; With very large numbers present in Cottonwood County.<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
