[mou] Northern Goshawk, Carver County

Bob Dunlap rmdbird@mn.rr.com
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 10:20:03 -0600

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This morning I observed an adult (probably male) Northern Goshawk flying =
northwest over Audubon Rd. (Cnty. Rd. 17) in Chaska.  Also down in the =
river valley there were a few Bald Eagles riding the thermals.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This morning I observed an adult =
(probably male)=20
Northern Goshawk flying northwest over Audubon Rd. (Cnty. Rd. 17) in=20
Chaska.&nbsp; Also down in the river valley there were a few Bald Eagles =
the thermals.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20
