[mou] Rock Wren roost

jim mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Thu, 01 May 2003 21:32:52 +0000

Laura and I staked out the north building tonight from 8:00pm on. The
Rock Wren showed up at exactly 8:30. It was seen on the lower roof
section located at the NW corner of the building. I'm pretty certain
that it roosted on that roof as there appeared to be some nice eaves /
overhangs that would provide cover out of the wind. I would suggest to
those early visiters wishing to see this bird that you park in the lot
between the two buildings and then walk to the north side of the north
building and watch from 30 yards away or so, as not to disturb the bird.
Early yesterday morning the bird was feeding near the "Biff" which no
doubt has some real culinary breakfast delicacies. Good luck.

Jim Mattsson