[mou] Hi gang....

cheepers@ix.netcom.com cheepers@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 4 May 2003 08:46:41 -0500

Hi Gang,
   I'm finally home from Texas, and had a great winter.  Spent January 
in Florida, took in Corkscrew and Ding Darling.  Stayed for awhile on 
the Gulf Shores at Ft. Pickins'.  I don't like Florida as well as Texas.  
Migration in Texas was wonderful.  It was my Painted Bunting year, with 
14 sightings.  Made my spring.
   I'm writing about this morning.  I've had a Red Headed Woodpecker 
here all morning and he's beautiful.  He's been eating oranges.  What a 
beautiful bird.  Also had my first hummingbird and Northern Oriole.  
They're in town, finally.  Good to see such great colors out here again.  
Spring has sprung!  Now if the RB Grosbeaks would show up, I'd be all 
    Take care....Kathy Kroeger