[mou] Birds May 6th-7th

SoYBomB223@aol.com SoYBomB223@aol.com
Wed, 7 May 2003 22:00:57 EDT

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May 6th at Shulze Lake 6:30-8:30PM .It was pretty quiet but a few new birds 
were seen.
@Eastern Towhee 
@Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
@Nashville Warbler
There were lots of yellow rumps and white throated sparrows. 

May 7th at Lake Byllesby. Nice afternoon, good numbers of birds but nothing 
too extaordinary.
@Clay Colored Sparrows
@Field Sparrows
@Yellow Warbler
@Am. White Pelicans
@Forster's Terns
There were some unidentified gulls and shorebirds seen from the cemetry but 
very few hours at a part time job doesn't produce the kind of money needed to 
buy a scope.  Oh well.

-Nick Tangen

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=3D"Eras Demi ITC" LANG=3D"0">May 6th at Shulze Lake 6:30-8:30PM .It was pre=
tty quiet but a few new birds were seen.<BR>
@Eastern Towhee <BR>
@Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher<BR>
@Nashville Warbler<BR>
There were lots of yellow rumps and white throated sparrows. <BR>
May 7th at Lake Byllesby. Nice afternoon, good numbers of birds but nothing=20=
too extaordinary.<BR>
@Clay Colored Sparrows<BR>
@Field Sparrows<BR>
@Yellow Warbler<BR>
@Am. White Pelicans<BR>
@Forster's Terns<BR>
There were some unidentified gulls and shorebirds seen from the cemetry but=20=
very few hours at a part time job doesn't produce the kind of money needed t=
o buy a scope.&nbsp; Oh well.<BR>
-Nick Tangen<BR>