[mou] MOU May 10th Bird Trip Summary

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Sat, 10 May 2003 21:47:05 -0500

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Saturday at 7:00 am I met 29 birders and signed up 2-3 new members to =
the MOU! =20

We birded Sandy Point Trail, Villa Marie fields & cemetery and ended the =
day at Hok Si La Park.  The trail on Sandy Point was muddy and wet in =
places but we managed to see a few warblers and vireos.  We also watch =
some of the bird banding taking place at Villa Marie.=20

I had a great time meeting the many new birders that followed me around =
today.  They learned to never walk ahead of the leader,  the leader =
always gets first turns at the scope line and the leader never buys his =
own lunch.  Of course I am kidding but we had a lot of fun today.  Even =
though the day wasn't a "fall out" type situation where the warblers =
were dripping off every tree we worked very hard and still managed to =
see quite a few birds.  I believe that the bulk of migration is still =
south of us and we are just viewing some of trickles of the tropical =
bird migrants.

We saw 89 species of birds and of those we saw 17 species of warblers.  =
Those included Northern Parula, Blackburnian,  Bay-breasted, Blackpoll =
and Northern Waterthrush.  If we hung around the boardwalk for another =
20 minutes we could of witnessed the Prothonotary Warbler that was =
inspecting a old nest site.  The warblers were mostly mixed in with =
waves of Yellow-rumped Warblers.  Also we saw only ones or twos of the =
warblers mentioned.  So there is a lot of migration still to come.

Other birds seen from friends of mind included a Red-shoulder Hawk at =
the campground at Frontenac State Park, 4 Willets at the Marina in Lake =
City and the Henslow's  Sparrow was seen and heard at the field behind =
Villa Marie this morning and Friday evening.

I wish to thank my good friends or my "crew/posse" for making my weekend =
fun and very entertaining filled with laughter.  Thanks to Colin =
Gervold, John Hockema, Dedrick Benz, Sam, Chris Benson, Chris Hockema, =
Chad Akre, and Scott Mehus.=20

The next  "official" MOU Trip is May 24th.


Mike Hendrickson
MOU Field Trip Chairman
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<DIV>Saturday at 7:00 am I met 29 birders and signed up 2-3 new members =
to the=20
MOU!&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>We birded Sandy Point Trail, Villa Marie fields &amp; cemetery and =
the day at Hok Si La Park.&nbsp; The trail on Sandy Point was muddy and =
wet in=20
places but we managed to see a few warblers and vireos.&nbsp; We also =
watch some=20
of the bird banding taking place at Villa Marie. </DIV>
<DIV>I had a great time meeting the many new birders that followed me =
today.&nbsp; They learned to never walk ahead of the leader,&nbsp; the =
always gets first turns at the scope line and the leader never buys his =
lunch.&nbsp; Of course I am kidding but we had a lot of fun today.&nbsp; =
though the day wasn't a "fall out" type situation where the warblers =
dripping off every tree we worked very hard and still managed to see =
quite a few=20
birds.&nbsp; I believe that the bulk of migration is still south of us =
and we=20
are just viewing some of trickles of the tropical bird migrants.</DIV>
<DIV>We saw 89 species of birds and of those we saw 17 species of=20
warblers.&nbsp; Those included Northern Parula, Blackburnian,&nbsp;=20
Bay-breasted, Blackpoll and Northern Waterthrush.&nbsp; If we&nbsp;hung =
the boardwalk for another 20 minutes we&nbsp;could =
Prothonotary Warbler that was inspecting a old nest site.&nbsp; The =
were mostly mixed in with waves of Yellow-rumped Warblers.&nbsp; Also we =
only ones or twos of the warblers mentioned.&nbsp; So there is a lot of=20
migration still to come.</DIV>
<DIV>Other birds seen from friends of mind included a Red-shoulder Hawk =
at the=20
campground at Frontenac State Park, 4 Willets at the Marina in Lake City =
and the=20
Henslow's &nbsp;Sparrow was seen and heard at the field behind Villa =
Marie this=20
morning and Friday evening.</DIV>
<DIV>I wish to thank my good friends or my "crew/posse" for making my =
fun and very entertaining filled with laughter.&nbsp; Thanks =
Gervold, John Hockema, Dedrick Benz, Sam, Chris Benson, Chris Hockema, =
Akre, and Scott Mehus.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>The next&nbsp; "official" MOU Trip is May 24th.</DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
<DIV>MOU Field Trip Chairman</DIV></BODY></HTML>
