[mou] Birding Western MN

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Sun, 11 May 2003 20:47:10 EDT

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Spent several days in Lyon, Yellow Medicine, and Lac Qui Parle Counties with 
most of the birding time doing volunteer Shorebird surveys for the 
Saw very few shorebirds considering I surveyed two full townships. Saw more 
shorebirds at the Dawson sewage ponds than both townships combined. Birds at 
Dawson were: Lesser Yellowlegs  3, Wilson Phalarope  20, Whiterumped 
sandpiper   2, Dunlin 9, Spotted  2, Least Sandpiper 7 and Killdeer 3.  I did 
find 6 Snowgeese and a Ross's Goose at a WMA  six miles south and two miles 
east of Dawson. There were a pair of Eared grebes there also and about 30 
Black Terns.
Most of the rest of my birding was at Cottonwood, Lyon Co. in my mothers 
yard. Highlights were a Gnatcatcher, both Graycheeked and Swainsons Thrush, 
Golden-winged, Parula and Blackpoll Warblers, and four flyby Willets. While 
there were not large waves of birds, movement was constant and had over 70 
species in the yard for those days. 
Paul Egeland 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Spent several days in Lyon, Yellow Medicine, and Lac Q=
ui Parle Counties with most of the birding time doing volunteer Shorebird su=
rveys for the government.<BR>
Saw very few shorebirds considering I surveyed two full townships. Saw more=20=
shorebirds at the Dawson sewage ponds than both townships combined. Birds at=
 Dawson were: Lesser Yellowlegs&nbsp; 3, Wilson Phalarope&nbsp; 20, Whiterum=
ped sandpiper&nbsp;&nbsp; 2, Dunlin 9, Spotted&nbsp; 2, Least Sandpiper 7 an=
d Killdeer 3.&nbsp; I did find 6 Snowgeese and a Ross's Goose at a WMA&nbsp;=
 six miles south and two miles east of Dawson. There were a pair of Eared gr=
ebes there also and about 30 Black Terns.<BR>
Most of the rest of my birding was at Cottonwood, Lyon Co. in my mothers yar=
d. Highlights were a Gnatcatcher, both Graycheeked and Swainsons Thrush, Gol=
den-winged, Parula and Blackpoll Warblers, and four flyby Willets. While the=
re were not large waves of birds, movement was constant and had over 70 spec=
ies in the yard for those days. <BR>
Paul Egeland <BR>
