[mou] Lake Byllesby-May 11

jim mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sun, 11 May 2003 22:21:16 +0000

What a difference a day makes. The 19 shorebird species reported
yesterday by Drew Smith was reduced to six by late afternoon today
(Happy Mother's Day). The extensive rainfall has caused the lake to rise
considerably since yesterday. I expect that by tomorrow, no mudflat
habitat will be present. Mark Ochs and I were able to refind the Piping
Plover in addition to only five other species. Species seen were:

Piping Plover (1)
Dunlin (3)
Least Sanpiper (2)
Spotted Sanpiper (several)
Lesser Yellowlegs (30 or so)
Killdeer (1)

Denny and Barb Martin also reported seeing 2 Wilson's Phalaropes prior
to our arrival.

Jim Mattsson
Dakota County