[mou] Directions to Lake Byllesby

Steve Weston sweston2@attbi.com
Tue, 13 May 2003 02:08:29 -0500

To get to the viewing area of the sand bars and mud flats on the western end of Lake Byllesby:

>From Hwy 52 in Hampton, take Hwy 56 toward Randolf.  At the Randolf turn off (CR88) go east away from Randolf.  Turn at the
first drive way on the right.  You will see the county park signs and orange hazard fencing.  You will not bother anyone by
parking by gate as long as you don't block its access and stay clear of the railroad.  Follow the trail down to the lake for
the best views.  I continue around following the shore upstream around to the west.  The next field is mostly park property
and is not being planted.

By the way, the park patrol have been instructed to keep kids and others out of this area, but birders have definite
permission to be here, which some of the newer park patrol staff may not know.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan