[mou] Western Tanager at Wood Lake

Craig Menze tobylab69@hotmail.com
Thu, 15 May 2003 21:35:34 -0500

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>As of 730 this evening the Western Tanager was still present in the previously mentioned location.<BR><BR></P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: [mou] Western Tanager at Wood Lake 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 15:05:18 -0500 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;At 1:30 PM (5/15) the tanager was in the extreme SW corner of Wood Lake. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Look for it in the trees surrounding this open area, including the backyards 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;of neighboring houses. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Paul Budde 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;-----Original Message----- 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;From: Leenardia Simpson [mailto:simps020@tc.umn.edu] 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 2:31 PM 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: [mou] Western Tanager at Wood Lake 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;At 8:15 AM today the Western Tanager was farther along the eastern perimeter 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;path from previously reported sightings. He was quite high but came a little 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;closer so we were able to have a very nice view. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;mou-net mailing list 
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