[mou] MOU RBA 17 May 2003

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Sat, 17 May 2003 21:29:28 -0500

Hello, and welcome to the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union. To leave a 
message for anyone at the MOU, press 2. Messages are retrieved each 
Tuesday and Friday. You can bypass the following weekly birding 
report and leave a sighting by pressing 1 at any time.

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Saturday, May 17th.

This tape is being updated early to report on a few sightings of 
interest that came in today.

Six WHITE-FACED IBIS and a ROSS'S GOOSE were in the sewage ponds that 
are located behind Sham Lake in Lyon County. From state highway 23 go 
south on county road 11 for about three quarters of a mile and turn 
right on the small unmarked dirt road. Follow this to the set of 
ponds and check the shoreline across the last pond. Also of note was 
the first county record RED-THROATED LOON seen on Sham Lake today.

A male RUFF was at Bunker Hills Regional Park in southern Anoka 
County today. From state highway 65 go west on state highway 242 for 
two miles. Turn north and drive into the park and look for the signs 
leading to the horse stables. Follow the road all the way to the end 
where, at the stables, there is a flooded pasture. The Ruff was seen 
here with a few other shorebirds.

A WHITE-EYED VIREO was found at Old Frontenac in Goodhue County. It 
was seen along county road 2 between Wood and Graham Streets.

And finally, the possible Magnificent Hummingbird reported on last 
week's was, in fact, a Ruby-throated.

This state-wide birding report is brought to you and financially 
supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU). The MOU is 
Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club.

The report is composed from observations generously submitted by MOU 
members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this 
weekly update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at 
axhertzel@sihope.com or by calling the hotline directly at 
763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message.

MOU members receive this report directly on MOU-net, the club's free 
e-mail listservice, which is available to anyone interested. For 
information contact David Cahlander at <david@cahlander.com>.

MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal "The Loon" 
and the bimonthly magazine, "Minnesota Birding". For membership 
information, send an e-mail message to our membership secretary at 

In cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Tourism, highlights of 
this hotline can be now heard at a toll free number which is 
available to callers outside the Twin Cities area. The number is 

The MOU is pleased to offer this service. Thank you, and good birding.

The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, May 22nd.
Anthony Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com