[mou] Little Gull in Duluth

Chris Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Sun, 18 May 2003 19:46:54 -0700 (PDT)

Or, Birdathon: the day after.

Ben and I drove the Pedalpish route from yesterday's birdathon to count
the miles (33 driving, so add on a few more miles for all the extra
adventuring we did on the bikes).  Of course, today there were Caspian
terns at Hearding...

And then my bird of the day: Little Gull in 1st-winter plumage seen
with a flock of a few hundred Bonaparte's in the harbor near the Sky
Harbor airport parking lot on Park Point.  Most of the gulls, Little
included, were feeding right along the shore barely twenty feet away. 
3:30-4:00 PM until most of the flock flew up towards Wisconsin and the
fog rolled in.  I'll post a link to photos as soon as we get them

Also, three Horned Grebes (were they missed on the birdathon?  I can't
remember now) at 21st Ave. E.  


Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN

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