[mou] Little Gull photos

Chris Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Mon, 19 May 2003 20:48:59 -0700 (PDT)

Pics of the Duluth Little Gull are up at

In the group shots with Bonaparte's, it's the bird in the lower right
foreground, except for the bottom flight shot with the Bonaparte's.  In
that one, the background bird is (obviously) the Little.

The light is so flat in the photos that it's hard to see, but the legs
really were a bright red shade like adult Bonaparte's leg color in the

I read what Tony Hertzel recently wrote about Little in first-winter
plumage at this time of year, but I can't see that this bird has yet
molted into first-summer.  I'm far from well-versed in gull molt,
though, so if anyone sees any signs of molt or first-summer plumage
characteristics, please clue me in.


Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN

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