[mou] Warbler moment

Dunnette, Joel H. jdunnette@mayo.edu
Tue, 20 May 2003 12:56:36 -0500

As I stepped out of my garage this morning, supposedly on my way to exercise and then work, I noticed a warbler in the tree across the driveway.  So I got out my binocs and took a look.  That is why I did not make it to work on time.

In about 20 minutes standing next to our garage, I found 10 species of warbler!  Warblers included Chestnut Sided (2), Blackpoll (3), Magnolia (3), Yellow (3), Nashville, Tennesee, Blackburnian, Cape May, Black and White, and Ovenbird.
With the 5 kinds of woodpecker - including a flyover by a Pileated, and pairs of courting Cardinals and chickadees, plus orioles, buntings and RB Grosbeaks, it was quite a time.  Also Red-eyed Vireo and Least Flycatcher.  All in the150' stretch of trees around the NW corner of our 'yard' - we have 15 acres in the country.

I then abandoned plans for exercise and took a walk around our trails.  I added a few more birds: Redstart, N. Yellowthroat, Wood Duck (on the pond), and a great view of a Woodcock walking down the trail in our back (muddy) meadow.

When I got back up to the house, the 'wave' was gone.  Only the cardinals and chickadees remained.

I guess that you have to seize those opportunities when they present themselves.

Joel Dunnette
sw of Rochester