[mou] KEWA and SUTA - Lebanon Hills, Dakota Co

jim mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sat, 24 May 2003 08:10:58 +0000

A located a singing male Kentucky Warbler at 6:00am today (24th) at the
same location as the Summer Tanager at Lebanon Hills Park in Dakota
County (see Drew Smith's earlier posting for directions). The bird was
extremely difficult to see as it moved through the dense understory. The
bird appeared rather dull, suggesting a first year bird. I did not
actually see the bird sing, so it is also possible that I actually saw a
female and not the singing male. As with the SUTA, the best chance of
actually seeing this bird is to be patient and watch for it as it moves
back and forth across the trail rather than pursuing it thru the dense
understory. Good birding.

Jim Mattsson
Eagan, MN