[mou] 2 more N Mockingbirds, etc

Kim R. Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Mon, 26 May 2003 17:45:55 -0500

In addition to Jim Lind's mockingbird seen in Two Harbors, the Minn Birding
Weekends group had 2 others this weekend in Cook Co, for an amazing total
of 3 along the North Shore on the same weekend. (Undoubtedly there must
have been others undetected by any birders.) One of these was early morning
on 25 May by the parking lot on the east side of the Grand Marais harbor;
it was only seen briefly by two of our group and could not be relocated
later that day or today. However, the entire group saw another today (26
May) in Schroeder next to the post office; it was spotted midday by Dave
Benson as it flew into a spruce tree and at one point started singing.

To follow up on the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher we found 24 May in Two
Harbors, it was first spotted midday by Bob Dunlap and others as the group
was hiking along the trail behind the lighthouse. It was initially at the
far east end of the trail about 200 yards south the corner of South Ave and
1st St, and it eventually worked its way west along the shore to the
lighthouse area where others relocated it later that day and yesterday. I
have not heard if anyone looked for or saw it today.

Other highlights of the MBW trip up the North Shore and the Gunflint Trail:

Surf Scoter, 24 May, 1 male at Good Harbor Bay
White-winged Scoter, 25 May, 11 flying by Grand Marais
Long-tailed Duck, 24-26 May, Lake Co (Flood Bay) and Cook Co (many seen at
various locations between Cascade R and Paradise Beach)
Whimbrel, 26 May, at least 100 individuals on the rocky island to the east
of Good Harbor Bay
N Saw-whet Owl, 25 May, several 100 yards up the Lima Mt Trail in Cook Co
(found by Tim Dawson et al)
Whip-poor-will, 24-25 May, on side roads off Hwy 61 in the vicinity of Five
Mile Rock
Black-backed Woodpecker, 25 May, 2 males at nest cavities along the
Gunflint Trail (1 at the North Brule R; 1 at Swamper L)
Black-throated Blue Warbler, 25 May, 3-4 singing about 1/2 mile up the Lima
Mt Trail

Kim Eckert