[mou] Memorial BIG Day-long

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 11:13:13 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders!

Mankato area continues to be exciting for all sort of

My wife and I traditionally do a big day on Memorial
Day.  This year's Memorial Day was early and you could
tell from the list of birds.

Total Species: 140

Breakdown: 4 herons, 7 ducks, 4 hawks, 11 shorebirds,
2 owls, 6 woodpeckers, 5 flycatchers, 5 vireos, 23
warblers, 10 sparrows, 8 blackbirds.


Seven-mile Creek County Park (located between St.
Peter and Mankato on the west side of 169) continues
to be the place for warblers this spring.  Of the 23
warblers, 21 were seen in this park during the 2.5
hours spent there.  There were at least 2 singing
Cerulean Warblers (should nest there), multiple
Mourning Warblers, 1 singing Connecticut, 1 Hooded
Warbler (trail 8), 1 singing Louisiana Waterthrush
(trail 8 where you have to jump the creek)

Kasota Prairie was excellent again.  Upland Sandpiper
was seen walking along the road.  Both meadowlarks
were seen and heard over Savannah, Grasshopper,
Clay-colored, and Field Sparrows.  A Prothonotary
Warbler was heard singing along the Minnesota River at
the back of Kasota Prairie's corner plot (follow the
trail to the river).  The only notable miss was
Red-headed Woodpecker which is normally found here.

Shorebirds were tough to find in general with much of
the ponds flooded and many of the farmfields dry.  The
best pond of the day was on Hwy 111 south of Cty 5 in
Nicollet County.  That pond had Black-bellied Plover,
Semipalmated Plover, Dunlin, Sanderlings, and a single
Pectoral Sandpiper on Monday.

Kentucky Warbler was singing cooperatively at Williams
Nature Park in Blue Earth County.  Take 68 west from
Hwy 169 and take the first trail to the right.  It is
not too far from the start of the trail.  We also had
Blue-winged Warbler, Red-eyed, Yellow-throated,
Warbling, and Philadelphia Vireos there.

The Bell's Vireo is once again being seen at Minneopa
State Park.  Take the road through the prairie and
watch for Wild Plum clusters along the road.  The bird
was singing loudly and we didn't need to get out of
the car.

Lastly, Swan Lake in Nicollet County was pretty good
for marsh birds.  While unable to find the nesting
Eared Grebes, we did manage looks at Western,
Red-necked and Pied-billed Grebes.  Virginia Rail,
both Bitterns, Common, Forster's, and Black Terns were
seen there as well.

Hope all of you had memorable Memorial Days too.

Happy Birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

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