[mou] Bell's Vireo nest and caution - Black Dog

Jim_Mattsson@fws.gov Jim_Mattsson@fws.gov
Wed, 28 May 2003 10:26:46 -0500

[My apologies if this is double-posted]

The Bell's Vireo pair at Minnesota Valley NWR, Black Dog Lake,  have built
a nest very close to the path. It is very visible and, as such, very
susceptible to disturbance, particularly at this early nesting stage.
Anyone stopping to view or photograph the nest will certainly cause the
birds to move off the nest. They become very agitated and would likely
abandon the nest with continued disturbance. The nest is along the path
where it passes directly through the patch of willow just north of the 2nd
electrical tower. To minimize possible disturbance, I suggest standing at
the tower stantion closest to the trail that has a yellow "120" (I think
that's the number) painted just above eye level. Looking north, the birds
should be readily visible from here - with a little patience. I also
recommend not stopping as you pass through the willow thicket as the nest
is very close to the trail. Remember, this is a National Wildlife Refuge
and we need to be on our best ethical behavior.

Directions:  Cliff Fen Park is located just east of I 35 W  on the north
side of Cliff Road. From the parking lot walk NE along soccer field border
to the information kiosk. Then go north across the RR tracks and follow the
path until you come to the 2nd electical tower. The NE tower stantion has a
yellow "120" painted on it. The vireos are just to the north about 10 yards
in the willow thicket.

Good birding.

Jim Mattsson
Regional Refuge Biologist
US Fish and Wildlife Service
One Federal Drive
Ft. Snelling, MN 55111