[mou] orchard oriole

Bill & Deb Busta dbbusta@charter.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 21:28:52 -0500

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Good evening!

I am very new to birding and I have been watching this list for over a =
year. Thanks to all of you I have learned alot about the birds that can =
be found in Minnesota.  I have set up feeders in my backyard and in the =
evenings I watch for any new birds that come around.

I would just like to report that I had a male Orchard Oriole in my =
backyard tonight in Willmar Minnesota.  It was feeding on the grape =
jelly-sugar mix that I make for the Baltimore Orioles.

Deb Busta
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<DIV>Good evening!</DIV>
<DIV>I am very new to birding and I have been watching this list for =
over a=20
year. Thanks to all of you I have&nbsp;learned&nbsp;alot about the birds =
can be found in Minnesota.&nbsp; I have set up feeders in my backyard =
and in the=20
evenings I watch for any new birds that come around.</DIV>
<DIV>I would just like to report that I had a<STRONG> </STRONG>male=20
<STRONG>Orchard Oriole</STRONG> in my backyard&nbsp;tonight in Willmar=20
Minnesota.&nbsp; It was feeding on&nbsp;the grape jelly-sugar mix that I =
for the Baltimore Orioles.</DIV>
<DIV>Deb Busta</DIV></BODY></HTML>
