[mou] hawfinch sighting

jason d lynn jayanda@juno.com
Fri, 31 Oct 2003 22:23:08 -0600

I believe I saw a group of hawfinches yesterday and today.  There were 5
of them and I saw them at work in Hugo.  I didn't have my binocs with me
so I couldn't be certain but the only bird I can find in my field guide
that resembles what I saw is the hawfinch.  I saw large white wing
patches and terminal white tail band and some black marking on the face. 
I was only able to get within 30 - 40 feet before they would either run
away or fly away.  They seemed very skitterish.  I have been birding for
10 years and am very familiar with all the common birds in Mn and alot of
the less common birds.  When I drove up to the jobsite (I'm in
construction) several birds flitted from the side of the road with very
large white wing patches and white on the tail.  They immediatly caught
my eye and I knew they were unusual.  The area is near Eagle lake off hwy
61 and cty J.  Last week the land was planted with some sort of ground
cover and the birds seemed to be eating the seed.

Have there been other hawfinch sightings in Mn,  is it possible this is
what I saw?  If not, any ideas what it might have been.  Hugo is 45 miles
away for me otherwise I would be back there sat morn with my binocs to
look for them.  Hopefully they will be there monday and I can get a
closer look.

Thanks for the response.
