[mou] Red Wing 'Mice

Kelly Larson larson@redwing.net
Sat, 01 Nov 2003 17:32:33 -0600

I am anxiously awaiting a new visitor to my backyard feeders. Over the
past week I have had five reports of Tufted Titmouse from different
customers in the Red Wing area of Goodhue cty. A very reliable sighting
of three at a heated bath on Friday prompted me to feature the bird on
my radio program, giving a profile and asking for reports of any new
sightings. I have had no reports of this species in the area up until
this past summer when another customer had a pair visiting regularly. I
know that Nancy sometimes mentions having them in Fillmore county, and I
have seen reports from Houston county. I understand they are rarely
found this far north in MN though I frequently hear about them visiting
feeders on the WI side of river in towns along Lake Pepin. Any
information on the the current range and recent shifts of this species
would be welcome.
On another note, I heard two flocks of swans as they passed overhead
this morning. I did not see them but the sound was glorious! Right on
Kelly Larson
Feathered Friend
Red Wing, MN

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