[mou] ALERT 3 Ross's Gulls in Stoddard Wisconsin

Terence Brashear birdnird@yahoo.com
Thu, 6 Nov 2003 12:42:57 -0800 (PST)

Saw this posted on WI bird list:

Three adult, non-breeding, Ross's Gulls (glad there
were more than one, as 
one Ross's Gull doesn't sound right) at the Stoddard
Boat Landing today, 
Thursday, 12 noon, quite, still water, pure sunshine,
lots of birds.

The Ross's Gulls were very cooperative, flying 20
yards from shore, and then 
off across the bay, out 1/2 mile. I was struck by
their agility, wing pattern, 
their Mallard Orange feet, their head, very short,
thick, black bill. No time 
for photos, but, could have gotten them, as they were
close. Had to run on an 
errand of mercy.

This is all south from LaCrosse on Hy 35. The waters
from Shady Maple (one 
mile south of Goose Island) to Stoddard were laden
with Tundra Swan, American 
White Pelican, Canvasbacks, Red Head, Northern
Shoveler, American Wigeon, 
Gadwall, both Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks and more. There
was a murder of Crow 
attacking a Cooper's Hawk.

I do hope the Ross's Gull hang around a bit.

We do have Red-headed Woodpecker in Eastern LaCrosse
County, in the heavily 
wooded bluff country, however, a few less than in the

Good birding,

* Mike Houle * houlem AT aol.com * La Crosse WI * USA

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