[mou] Quick trip to Cottonwood, Lyon Co.

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Fri, 7 Nov 2003 09:52:08 EST

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Most shallow waters were frozen on my way west. Stopped at Lake Allie is 
northeast Renville co. Saw 2 Harris sparrows, a Fox sparrow, and a flock of Robins 
at the boat landing. On the unfrozen part of lake there were about 300 
Ring-billed gulls and 2 Franklins gulls. Near the lake also saw a Rough-legged Hawk. 
Also saw 1 Rough-leg at Granite Falls, and 5 Rough-legs in Yellow Medicine 
Co. At Sham lake in NE Lyon even though frozen there was a Golden Plover and a 
Water Pipit. On Cottonwood lake there was a Great Blue Heron and a Double 
Crested Cormorant in addition to the birds reported by Sue Morton.

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f">Most shallow waters were frozen on my way west. Stopped at Lake Allie is=20=
northeast Renville co. Saw 2 Harris sparrows, a Fox sparrow, and a flock of=20=
Robins at the boat landing. On the unfrozen part of lake there were about 30=
0 Ring-billed gulls and 2 Franklins gulls. Near the lake also saw a Rough-le=
gged Hawk. Also saw 1 Rough-leg at Granite Falls, and 5 Rough-legs in Yellow=
 Medicine Co. At Sham lake in NE Lyon even though frozen there was a Golden=20=
Plover and a Water Pipit. On Cottonwood lake there was a Great Blue Heron an=
d a Double Crested Cormorant in addition to the birds reported by Sue Morton=
