[mou] Surf Scoters in Rice county

Dave Bartkey cerulean66@charter.net
Fri, 7 Nov 2003 16:56:02 -0600

Hi all!
  Forest Strnad and I checked out some of our area lakes this cold afternoon and found a good variety of waterfowl on a few of our

Roberds Lake:
200+ Hooded Mergansers (from the road without optics, I thought they were coots!)
1 Ring-necked Duck

French Lake:
2 Horned Grebes
1 Pied-billed Grebe
many, many coots
5-6 Buffleheads

Wells Lake:
2 Buffleheads
1 female Common Goldeneye
4 Hooded Mergansers

Lake Mazaska:
2 Surf Scoters
1 Red-necked Grebe
3 Horned Grebes
5 Gadwall
3 Ruddy Ducks
1 Great Blue Heron
many Canada Geese
These were all seen on the north side of the lake which is somewhat difficult to find. If you want directions, e-mail me directly.
Hopefully I can give you some that won't get you lost!

Good birding!
Dave Bartkey