[mou] Great Gray Owls still present in Aitkin County

Warren Nelson wenelson@mlecmn.net
Sat, 15 Nov 2003 17:54:25 -0600

This evening around 4:30, I drove up to Aitkin County Road 18 and found
all three of the Great Gray Owls that were mentioned earlier this week.
The first was sitting on the 320th Place sign (what Pietz's Road is
marked on the maps).  A second bird came flying in from the snowmobile
trail to the south of Pietz's Road and landed on a telephone pole near
the junction with C.R.18.  And the third bird was sitting in a pine tree
about a quarter mile up on Pietz's Road. Also seen were a Northern
Shrike, several Pine Grosbeaks, a Rough-legged Hawk and 2 Gray Jays
fighting over a dead meadow vole.    Warren Nelson