[mou] St. Louis Co. - Harlequin Duck, Snow Geese, Trumpeter Swans

M. Thomas Auer t_auer@lycos.com
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:31:30 -0600


The Harlequin Duck is still present at the French River. I didn't even have to get out of my car this morning to see it, as it was nicely perched on a rock just offshore.

At park point this morning, in the middle of Lake Superior were a pair of Snow Geese. Very strange sighting. I think they put down confused amongst the fog, and once the fog burned off, they discovered they were in the middle of the lake, so they got up and flew off.

As well, the one adult and immature Trumpeter Swans that have been seen on the bayside of Lake Superior, were again present.

Tom Auer
Duluth, MN

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