[mou] Roseville - Bald Eagle

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 15:31:47 -0600

Today I had a flock of geese fly by the huge window that my cube faces.
As usual I picked up my binos and glassed the flock looking for Ross's
or White-fronts, but nothing unusual, then I saw a bird soaring in the
background. 3 Bald Eagles flew in a thermal at what I am guessing to be
about 2000 feet. They were not visible to the naked eye.  Two adults and
one immature. They eventually rose so high I lost them to the binos. At
what height does this happen?  Good day for thermals.  I wonder how many
thousands of birds fly by unnoticed in my field of view every day!  I
have only been in the new digs since May and I have seen 42 species
here. It pains me to see thousands of gulls fly by and not have time to
ID them every day.  "Alt sees something" are the comments from my
coworkers when I walk up close to the glass and lift my binos to my
eyes.  Today was the first day I could not show them what I was seeing.
They didn't believe me, my sighting was rejected. The Best Buy Bird
Records Committee has spoken. Busted. What do you do when you're
branded, and you know you're a man.(gratuitous reference to an obscure
60's TV western)

Mark Alt
Manager of Project Management
Best Buy Co., Inc. Logistics
Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com <mailto:Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com>
(w) 612-291-6717
(Cell) 612.803.9085

-----Original Message-----
From: MARTELL, Mark [mailto:MMARTELL@audubon.org]=20
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 3:01 PM
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Subject: RE: [mou] Roseville - Bald Eagle

As a resident of Roseville I knew that our fair city was inspiring, but
to elicit such wondrous poetry warms my heart.

Mark Martell
Director of Bird Conservation
Audubon Minnesota
2357 Ventura Drive #106
St. Paul, MN 55125
651-731-1330 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----
From: jbaumann@usfamily.net [mailto:jbaumann@usfamily.net]
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 1:31 PM
To: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Subject: [mou] Roseville - Bald Eagle

'Twas the week of Thanksgiving and all thru the town
A new blanket of snow had just been laid down.
Driving my car, here is my telling:
Approaching Cty C driving on Snelling
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a bald eagle, I saw him! both his front and his rear.
He was chasing a small bird and they looped round the trees
I almost lost sight when I quickly did sneeze.
The little one escaped, a small space did he enter;=20
Gorgeous bald eagle soared off, to eat later his dinner.=20

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