[mou] Duluth RBA 11/26/03

David R. Benson drbenson@cpinternet.com
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 08:11:29 -0600

This is the Duluth Birding Report for Wednesday, November 26th, 2003,
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

Karl Bardon reported 3000 HERRING GULLS in Grand Marais on the 21st, and
among them, he found one first-winter GLAUCOUS GULL and two first-winter
THAYER'S GULLS. Karl counted 1009 COMMON REDPOLLS on the morning of the
21st along the North Shore; on the same morning, I counted 1350 redpolls
flying past Grand Portage National Monument. Sue McDonnell reported lots of
redpolls around Grand Marais today.

John Eaton reported that he has had a TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE in his yard two
miles east of Two Harbors for over a week. Chris Sterner reported a
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER near the building at Hartley Nature Center over the

In Superior, WI, Karl Bardon also found a hybrid Glaucous X Herring, or
Nelson's Gull at the landfill. Laura Erickson had a very late PINE WARBLER
coming to her feeder in the Lakeside neighborhood of Duluth until the 20th.

The Duluth Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December 20th.
People interested in participating should contact Jim Lind at
jslind@frontiernet.net. The Two Harbors Christmas Bird Count will be held
on Sunday, December 14th. For information about this count, you can contact
Jim Lind or Frank Nicoletti at bjboreal@aol.com.

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, December 4th.

The phone number for the Duluth Birding Report is (218) 728-5030, and
callers can report bird sightings if they wish after the tone at the end of
each tape.

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members.  For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural
History, 10 Church Street SE, Minneapolis MN 55455; or send an e-mail to
mou@cbs.umn.edu; or visit the MOU web site at mou.mn.org.