[mou] N Shrike, Washington Cty

Mcitsay@aol.com Mcitsay@aol.com
Sat, 29 Nov 2003 14:45:55 EST

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Good Afternoon -

Connie Osbeck and I observed a single Northern Shrike hunting in Bayport at 
1:30pm today.
It was on the North side of town. North of the Andersen facility and south of 
the King Power Plant.

See you next weekend at the Paper Session.

Mark S Citsay & Connie L Osbeck
Lake Elmo, MN
Washington County

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<DIV>Good Afternoon -</DIV>
<DIV>Connie Osbeck and I observed a single Northern Shrike hunting in Baypor=
t at 1:30pm today.</DIV>
<DIV>It was on the North side of town. North of the Andersen facility and so=
uth of the King Power Plant.</DIV>
<DIV>See you next weekend at the Paper Session.</DIV>
<DIV>Mark S Citsay &amp; Connie L Osbeck</DIV>
<DIV>Lake Elmo, MN</DIV>
<DIV>Washington County</DIV></BODY></HTML>
