[mou] Woodlake Common Snipe

Fran Howard fjhoward@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 02 Oct 2003 12:32:47 -0500

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My sister Lonnie, from New Mexico, and I found a Common Snipe in Wood Lake
Nature Center this morning. The bird was in the small pond just off the
perimeter trail near Emerson gate. It appears this bird is a rare visitor to
the park. A small overgrown path leads to the wetland.

Fran Howard 

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<TITLE>Woodlake Common Snipe</TITLE>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">My sister Lonnie, from New Mexico, and I found a Common Snip=
e in Wood Lake Nature Center this morning. The bird was in the small pond ju=
st off the perimeter trail near Emerson gate. It appears this bird is a rare=
 visitor to the park. A small overgrown path leads to the wetland.<BR>
Fran Howard</FONT>
