[mou] Bird festival training event

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 02 Oct 2003 16:38:23 -0700

This is a great opportunity for any community organization thinking about
starting a birding festival or sharpening an existing event.
Jim Williams

From: "Cindy Schneider" <Cindy.Schneider@state.mn.us>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2003 10:09:54 -0500
To: <two-jays@att.net>
Subject: Birding Festivals info

Birding Festival and Event Training: This spring, in our wildlife
roundtable, a number of organizations expressed interest in a training
session on wildlife festivals to be offered this fall.  As a result the
Office of Tourism is planning a one-day workshop"How to Organize a
Birding or Nature Festival" with nationally accredited trainer, Nancy
Millar, executive director of the McAllen Texas Convention and Visitors
Bureau on November 19.

This workshop will introduce you to the benefits of capturing the
wildlife watching recreational market with a step-by-step organizational
manual for promoting and implementing an event in your area.  A seminar
rate of $68 per person includes continental breakfast, lunch and
workshop materials.  Location to be announced.  Reserve the date now.
Contact  the Minnesota Office of Tourism at 800-657-3637  for more

Colleen Tollefson
Minnesota Office of Tourism
100 Metro Square  121 East 7th Place
St. Paul, MN  55101
Phone:  651-297-2635
Fax:  651-296-7095