[mou] Wood Lake bizarre warbler photos

Chris Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 21:29:08 -0700 (PDT)

Today (Oct. 2) Ben Hopland and I finally refound and photographed this
bird.  It has been extremely secretive and difficult to see, let alone
photograph.  It flies seldom, preferring to creep through the
undergrowth.  I've seen it hop but not walk.  It's never vocalized.  It
was no longer associating with any other birds (was loosely with
Yellow-rumped, Orange-crowned, and Nashville Warbler flock at first
sighting on Sept. 30).

The close-up, stable views afforded by the photos expose some errors in
my original description of the bird: the black marks on the flight
feathers include inner primaries on the right side of the bird, at
least.  And the photos show that there are some small dark markings on
the bird's back as well; these were not visible to me in very brief
looks with 7x35 binoculars in field conditions.  Unfortunately none of
the photographs include a good look at the tail.  Not that we did not
try!  The flash photo shows good detail, but the natural-light photos,
blurry though they are, convey the bird's colors more accurately.

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone else who sees this bird, and of
course from anyone who can clue me in more to a species ID.  Has anyone
seen or heard of anything similar?    

When we took a break from our vigil and ventured east into the warm sun
of the Prairie Trail, we were rewarded by three or more Purple Finches
(male singing from the very tall cottonwood near the viewing platform,
and at least two females) and a Rusty Blackbird (same cottonwood, with
a few Red-winged Blackbirds).  A snipe flew overhead, and Lincoln's,
Swamp, and White-throated Sparrows scattered all over the paths.  Lots
of life out there in the marsh, but very little at our ghost-bird
stakeout in the woods.  At least it's finally recognizably documented,
after many frustrating attempts.

Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co.
(612) 281-0310

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