[mou] Windmills and migration

Richard Carlson rccarl@pacbell.net
Fri, 3 Oct 2003 08:36:04 -0700

David et al:

You have good reason for concern.  Out here in California we have an awful
problem at the Altamont pass windfarm area, where dozens of Golden Eagles
and hundreds of other raptors are killed every year.  If Exxon did it you'd
see lots of headlines.  A good site is

We've learned several things:

1.Windfarms on major migration ridges are a problem.
2. Smaller windmills are probably worse -- they're nearly invisible because
they spin so fast.
3.  Tall buildings and towers probably kill even more birds than windmills.

These problems present very difficult choices.  The number of windmills is
starting to explode as their costs decline and the demand for "green" power

Welcome to the real world of us economists -- life is nothing but tradeoffs
and perfection exists only in the twisted minds of fanatics.

Richard C. Carlson
Full Time Birder, Biker & Rotarian
Part-time Economist
Minnesotan temporarily resident elsewhere since 1960
Palo Alto & Lake Tahoe, CA & Tucson, AZ
Palo Alto: 650-949-9590
Tucson: 520-760-4935
Tahoe: 530-581-0624